Feel VREE to present:
I'm VR!
The hotel business is highly competitive. Everything evolves around online booking. Those, who present their surroundings most realistically is ahead of the game. Only if promises and expectations meet, positive reviews will follow. Guest may come back again. GPIXS’ countless state-of-the-art virtual reality options offers many opportunities to experience the surroundings – live or unplugged. The applications range from 3D scans, 360° videos to virtual models of entire hotels or customized apps. This allows bookings to be made and enables successful personnel recruitment while meeting security and prevention requirements.
Travel planning live & real
3D scans say more than pictures or even words. Therefore, GPIXS offers photorealistic three-dimensional models of hotels and tourism facilities. Highly important areas for potential new guests and visitors are rooms, SPA areas, restaurants etc. All solutions inspire guests prior to their visit, straight from their living room at home.
They can be accessed quickly and easily via the website of the hotel, an app or through a link sent in an email. Users can navigate instantly through the rooms via TouchPad on the smartphone or tablet or via mouse-click when sitting on the desktop computer and enjoy a realistic holiday feeling in advanced.
Content integration
Using so-called POIs, Points of Interest, additional content ranging from 360-degree videos to simple information, detailed photos and descriptions can be easily integrated at various points of the scans at any time. This animates the user to interact, which in return should lead to a "call to action”, which can be an inquiry or reservation.

Recruiting & more
There is a labor shortage in the tourism industry. Those people available want to be courted. That's why three-dimensional scans open new opportunities for employee retention and motivation in all areas of recruiting. Surrounding conditions regarding the job can be depicted as well as leisure activities and living conditions for an attractive work-life-balance.
Prevention & safety
Today, large hotels and resorts are confronted with a wide variety of security challenges. A true-to-life depiction of the complex world of a holiday resort is essential for all security and training measures whenever time is critical. GPIXS's detailed 3D models and three-dimensional scans can be used to simulate emergency conditions and provide evacuation options or training measures. With this solution all rescue and emergency forces are informed on time of the prevailing conditions. Fast. Safe. And realistic.
GPIXS - the virtual pioneer
GPIXS first. Under the claim “FEEL VREE”, GPIXS has produced groundbreaking models in the virtual world for over 10 years. From interactive 360-degree tours to three-dimensional scan as a real depiction of prevailing conditions. From racetracks to hotels. And from the football stadium to the Salzburg Cathedral.